We want to make everyone aware of the Big Ideas Forum website that our web wizard Brant has created. The web address is: http://bigideasforum.info. Take a quick tour now (and you have, because you’re here :) ).

The site has five purposes:

  • to serve as a follow-up on an immediate past event. Rather than sending email with PowerPoint presentations, we will post them on the website.
  • as a “library” of subjects we have presented since we started in 2015. We hope you will use it as an inspiration to satisfy your curiosity about subjects you might have missed, and as an inspiration for suggesting subjects we should put on the agenda again. All these subjects evolve so quickly that updates and new things can be presented in the future. Let us know of your ideas in that regard.
  • a calendar function (under development), so you can always look ahead and see what’s on the agenda in weeks ahead
  • a Contact Us function that links you to the organizers; besides direct interaction when we meet (always a preference), this will be the best place for suggesting subjects, new ideas - yes, even your complaints or concerns will be read.
  • as a general resource guide for books, articles, video clips, TED Talks and web links about subjects we deal with in the Forum. For example, look for the link to the Origami Revolution program (identical to the DVD being passed around in the Forum); it is now available for free.

All in all, we hope you will use the site often so it can live up to the ambition of being the place for learning about big ideas.

Brant will, in a soon-to-come presentation, introduce a way for you to automatically stay on top of what happens on this website–and others–through RSS (What is RSS?) using an RSS “reader” app like Feedly.

Let us know what you think.